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What's in a Name?

Writer's picture: PeterHeidi OlsonPeterHeidi Olson

What’s in a name? I am named Heidi because Mom loves the book Heidi, and Dad served his mission in Germany. I didn’t get a middle name because Mom and Dad figured I would use Stanger as my middle name. Maybe I should have used Stanger as my middle name, there are many Heidi Olsons! Peter is Heidi’s best friend in the book, which Peter’s Mom reminded me of after we had been on one date (Peter wasn’t there when this bit of information was shared). I jokingly told Mom I refused to name our kids Schwanli and Baerli, after their goats in the story. Peter is named Peter because Pat wanted a Peter, James and John in their family. Peter is the only one of the sons to go by his first name. Peter doesn’t love his name; he was teased a lot growing up because of his name. Peter’s name means rock though, and it suits him, he is my rock.

We talked about names when we were first married, just toying around with various boy and girl names. We wanted to name a little girl Xandria for a while, but that desire has changed, been muted. Peter loves Evyrli, though I want to spell it Everleigh, maybe we’ll compromise and spell it Everlee. It will be appropriate to use in that it took us forEver to have her.

We searched and searched for a name when we were trying to figure out what to name Archer. We had used up 2 names we love, Gideon and Phoenix, with the adoptions that weren’t to be. I was very opposed to recycling a name, even if it is a very cool name. We had fun thinking of options: Remington Gray, Titus Teancum (Teancum has to be a middle name just because of the spelling, even though he is a Rock Star in the Book of Mormon), Phineas Rex (then the little guy gets to be a P-Rex, super cool, but Kyle’s dog is named Finn, so it was off the list) there were so many others, but my memory fails me. I taught the cutest Archie, but I just couldn’t stomach Archibald, so we kept looking. Then we ran into Archer and we both fell in love; he could be our Archie. Calvin came from the cartoon strip, “Calvin and Hobbes.” Which has led me to feel a sick feeling in my stomach that Archer will end up with a pet tiger named Hobbes during the Millenium. I plan on sending Hobbes over to Uncle Kyle’s or Aunt Bree’s, they both are animal lovers. Hobbes will NOT be an indoor pet.

It is amazing the significance a name has. I am sometimes surprised by the names I find in our family history, trying to pronounce some of them can be very difficult. I wonder the significance behind their names, if they had a nick name and what story their parents told them about naming them.

Jesus Christ’s name has significant meaning. Jesus means, “God is help,” or “Savior.” Christ means anointed in Greek, Messiah in Hebrew. Messiah also means anointed in Aramaic (Bible Dictionary). If you put together the meaning of his name Jesus is God’s help who is anointed to save. Jesus was set apart from the outset of time, anointed, to save us from physical death and spiritual death. “He is the greatest Being to be born on this earth—the perfect example—and all religious things should be done in His name. He is Lord of lords, King of kings, the Creator, the Savior, the God of the whole earth, the Captain of our salvation, the Bright and Morning Star. He is in all things, above all things, through all things, and round about all things; He is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last; His name is above every name and is the only name under heaven by which we can be saved.” (Bible Dictionary)

Names hold power. We are called one by one through the Spirit to know that Christ is our Redeemer and Savior. If you haven’t had that witness yet, ask, and I testify to you that you will feel that witness. Moroni 10:5: “And by the power of the Holy Ghost you may know the truth of all things.” This isn’t a limited statement, saying you can only know of certain truths. Through the spirit our Heavenly Father calls each of us back to Him. John 10:3: “To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name…” We call upon our Heavenly Father in prayer for help, naming him as “Our Father which art in heaven (Matt 6:9).” Calling someone by name denotes you know who they are, it is an act of love.

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