When I look at this picture of Archer, it reminds me of a person who knows he is loved and comforted. Regardless of all the bad days he had prior and the bad days that would come, he knew that his mother and father loved him and were there to comfort him. And so it is with all of us, we need to have that person whom we can turn to who will give us love and comfort. Even Jesus Christ, while in Gethsemane, turned to His Father in Heaven and Heavenly Father provided angels to support and help Him during this momentous time. In turn, Jesus can provide the love and comfort each of us need. It doesn’t matter if we are having a good day or a bad day, Jesus’ Love is there for all who seek it. The way we seek it is by the same measure He shows love and comfort to us, whereby we show love and comfort to others.
It is my hope during these coming months that we can show each other love and comfort.