Peter and I just finished watching a movie called “Genie.” The difference between this genie’s powers and the “typical” genie powers is that she could offer endless wishes. There were certain limitations that the genie had, such as not being able to force someone to feel something or being able to travel back in time. Though towards the end of the movie you find out that all genies say they can’t time travel just to save the world from unraveling.
Many times in the hospital Peter and I wished for a different situation. We prayed, hoped, and exercised our faith in what Heavenly Father provided, but we wished for something different. Can you imagine the damage that could be done by taking Heavenly Father’s infinite wisdom and power and bending it to our will? I still wish for many things to be different, how could I not. Our beautiful little boy, that we fought so hard to get here, was taken far too early. I know many feel like that with miscarriages, deaths of children, losing spouses and loved ones.
Yet, I don’t have the omniscience to understand how the plan comes to pass. I have a difficult time seeing towards the end of the week. What I do know is that wishing doesn’t work the way faith does. Faith works when we allow Heavenly Father to work His magic in our hearts, turning it to Him and allowing Him in. Faith works when we can submit our will to His, which is one of the hardest things for me to do. Faith works when we can accept an outcome that isn’t what we want or one that we have prayed for.
I think one of my gifts this year will be to put a little more trust in Heavenly Father, allow Him a larger part of my heart. Then this Christmas I can work on building something that is longer lasting, not fleeting and tossed aside.