Our life is very cyclic and reflects Nephi’s process of preparation in the wilderness. There are many times in our lives where we are in a state of wandering, preparation and then action. Nephi and his family spent time wandering in the wilderness for eight years, after they had set up camp near a seashore the Lord told Nephi that he needed to build a ship. Prior to building this ship, Nephi needed the proper tools, he asked the Lord, “whither shall I go that I may find ore to molten, that I may make tools to construct the ship after the manner which thou hast shown unto me?” (1 Nephi 17:9). Then once the tools were made, he was given instructions on how to build the ship. Then the action of building the ship took place. After the ship was built, they were ready to set sail for the promised land.
In our lives we build many ships to get to our promised lands. I know when I was dating this metaphor was one that haunted me. I definitely had the wandering in the wilderness down, I needed a lot of preparation, which is ok, marriage is a very important ship to build. I was constantly wondering which tools I could add to the set which could help build my ship. Then Peter and I met, and we set sail together to reach the promised land. We then set up camp again, to prepare ourselves for other voyages that would again get us to other promised lands.
There are many situations where we are in a state of preparation, we aren’t ready for the next step of building a ship; even if we feel we are ready and look to move forward, the Lord knows what we need to do to prepare for our next phase. The trials and tribulations we have in our lives are to humble us, help us rely on the Lord so that we are in the right mind set to receive the revelation He wants to give us to build a ship. One time we might build a ship like Nephi, large and open. Another time we might build a ship like the Jaredites, closed, and directed completely by the Lord. Both take faith to build.
I can see the preparation Peter and I went through with the adoptions that helped us deal with Archer’s situation. I can’t say it made it easier, but it helped us know how to deal with loss, unfulfilled expectations, and grief. Everything with Archer was magnified, our investment in him was our main focus. His little boat was a speed boat, built so he could get his body and make it to the Promised Land much sooner than us. It is easier to look back and see our state of preparation, when you are in the middle of being prepared many times, it just feels like you are in limbo. Limbo for me tends to be a very frustrating feeling. I like knowing what I am working towards and the steps that it will take to get there. Until now, maybe I have gotten old, maybe I am just too broken, but right now I know I am in a state of preparation and healing. I have set up my tent along the seashore and have no idea which ship I will be building next. I am lacking any desire to build a ship; I am just watching the waves. When my preparation at the seashore is done, I know I will be directed, if I continue to call on the Lord and repent. Then the Lord will help me to know which ship I am building next. I will need help in making new tools that this new ship needs. Maybe this ship will be going on a mission with Peter or working in the temple.
Your building a ship could be different from ours. Maybe your next promised land is finishing school, finding your eternal companion, overcoming cancer, acquiring a job etc. Each of those ships needs different tools to build a vessel to last through the rough waters you will encounter on your voyage to your next promised land. Then your cycle of building ships and reaching your mini promised lands will one day help you arrive at your final Promised Land. Maybe that is my current problem, the idea of building a mini ship isn’t what I want. I want the Promised Land to happen before it is my time. So, until then, you are welcome to come spend some time with me at the seashore as I prepare for my next construction project.
I love your insights into things. I’m not sure what ship I’m building now either, just trying to remember who I am without my best friend at my side.