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4 Flats and a Cold

Writer's picture: PeterHeidi OlsonPeterHeidi Olson

No matter the amount of preparation and planning put into something, there will still be unknowns. Peter and I have been training for the Salt to Saint, a relay bike race from Salt Lake City to Saint George. I very much feel like the weak link of the team, which is ok. I'm still working on getting hormones balanced, thyroid meds in place, etc. I know getting my body into a better place takes time. I've been excited to feel stronger, increase my endurance and start to push my body to respond to the training.

There have been days though, where we've had 4 flat tires on a ride, all at the same time. On those days, I'm done. I'll happily go home and workout on our spin bike, even if it's a very different workout than riding outside.

We also recently went to the Counting Crows concert, it was amazing. It threw a wrench into our training though, weeks before the relay. We came home with an awful cold and have been fighting it this last week.

There comes a point when no amount of preparation can help you be ready for the twists and turns life provides. These current events seem extremely minor, especially when compared with what last year brought us. Riding slowly in the race is the least of my worries, at least I'm riding.

We all will have days and moments where we need to regroup, fix our flats, take some Nyquil and sleep a lot. Give yourself the chance to get refreshed, get back on your bike and continue your journey.

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